Welcome to District 0

If you’re reading this, you’re either desperate as hell or one of the fresh faces looking’ to join our ranks. Either way, this website is gonna be your guide through District 0. It’ll tell you who your allies are, who to trust, who to avoid, and who to shoot on sight.
First and foremost, D0 is the main power provider for lower Zaphira. Kijin Tower is the biggest provider of Energy in all of Zaphira with their massive Generators down South of the District. They got the juice not just in terms of power but also in policing the whole district. Heavy dropships, drones, Oppressor Units, and that big fuck off Airship that’s moving through D0 as of late. You already knew all this being from this shithole of a city.
And then you got the other gangs, the biggest and baddest being the Tigers. They’re violent and ruthless, and they won’t shy away from going to any lengths to take our turf. Some Rumors exist that they are in cahoots with Malius Mc fucking kay. But yeah toxic gas, mechs, kidnapping, torture—you name it, they do it all and really fucking efficient. The bogeyman is still around even though we put a big old dent in his plans. But no matter what you do you can’t get rid of Strange’s influence. Just because he is silent as of late doesn’t mean he and his abominations are out of the picture.
There are some other minor Gangs. But you can inform yourself on those on your own time.
And then there is us: The Whisperers. We used to be a District Wide Criminal Network. We ran the streets, the black market. All of it was green. How times change huh?
Not gonna lie, the odds aren’t in our favor, there is still plenty of damage from that Storm and attacking Strange like we did cost us big time in terms of resources but also in people. Tigers are also not gonna sit idly by.
This ain’t gonna be easy, but together, I know we’ll carve our mark on this city. And get back to what the Whisperers used to be.